Monday, June 6, 2011

Whew, a lot going on!!

Where do we start? We had a busy week and weekend. We started off the week building a new sign for out front here on Cole Grade Rd. We picked up two Open flags and attached one to the store and one to the sign.

We went with the blackboard concept because one of our customers said it would be nice to see what we have when they are leaving for town so they know what they can pick up here. So we listened!!

We still need a ton more signs and a ton more creative people to help us with that! So come on out when you can.

Our greenhouse renovation day was a great success!

Thanks to everyone's hard work. We still have a ways to go to be finished but we got our first row of salad mix into the ground. Honestly, YOU all make this possible. It's growing a great product for you that brings us to work everyday!

In our mix we are going to have Mesculin, Mizuna, Arugula, Red Oak Leaf, Red Salad Bowl, Corn Salad, and Black Seeded Simpson! It's going to be a great mix. It will take about 45 days so mid-July we are looking to have it in stock!